Take the journey with us.

We are building two new homes to better serve Saskatchewan

Why we need your support...

families travelling +100KM

Each year, over 5,000 children admitted to hospital in SK belong to families who must travel more than 100 km round trip.


Currently, 20-30% of pediatric families in Saskatchewan are supported by RMHC.

parents giving 100%

When a child is ill or injured, parents and caregivers focus all of their energy and resources on helping their child.

of savings to SK families

RMHC will increase savings to Saskatchewan families by over 104%.

families travelling +100KM

Each year, over 5,000 children admitted to hospital in SK belong to families who must travel more than 100 km round trip.

20-30% supported

Only 20-30% of pediatric families in Saskatchewan are supported by RMHC.


When a child is ill or injured, parents and caregivers focus all of their energy and resources on helping their child.

of savings to SK families

RMH will increase savings to Saskatchewan families by over 104%.

We’ve launched a $39.9M Campaign with $22M being raised in community to bring needed care to Saskatchewan families

It is vital that we build Ronald McDonald Houses in both Prince Albert and Regina to serve families in the northern and southern regions of our province. Both regions have growing populations and growing pediatric needs. Both regions deserve access to family-centered care.

  1. Regina House
  2. Prince Albert House

Levels of Support

Your donation provides care that’s miles above. Help us on our way!

Starting Line $500

Every step counts! Your contribution fuels the first steps of our journey, helping us move closer to our goal.

Mile Marker

You’ve marked a milestone! Your donation ensures we keep pace on the road to success.

Trailblazer $5,000

You’re helping us gain ground! Your generosity pushes us further along the path.

Road Builder $10,000

You’re paving the way for others to follow. Your donation creates a lasting impact.

Journey Champion $20,000

Your gift accelerates our mission, ensuring we go the extra mile for those in need.

Legacy Traveler $25,000+

You’re transforming lives and inspiring others to join the journey.

Starting Line $500

Every step counts! Your contribution fuels the first steps of our journey, helping us move closer to our goal.

 Mile Marker $1,000

You’ve marked a milestone! Your donation ensures we keep pace on the road to success.

Trailblazer $5,000

You’re helping us gain ground! Your generosity pushes us further along the path.

Road Builder $10,000

You’re paving the way for others to follow. Your donation creates a lasting impact.

Journey Champion $20,000

Your gift accelerates our mission, ensuring we go the extra mile for those in need.

Legacy Traveler $25,000+

You’re transforming lives and inspiring others to join the journey.

Why Prince Albert?

Families in the north need better support. They lack access to specialized healthcare, resulting in children needing to stay in the hospital for longer periods of time. A home in Prince Albert will create ease of transition and increased access to family-centered care during a very challenging time. Our land has been secured in Prince Albert from a generous donation from Lake Country Co-op.

$8 Million

From Community

to meet the needs of

494 Families Per year

Why Regina?

When a family must leave their home community for medical treatment, they are faced with big challenges. The cost of care to travel and for accommodations can be a limiting factor for families, especially those who require support over many days. A house in Regina will help provide support to families seeking care when outside their home community.

$14 Million

From Community

to meet the needs of

824 Families Per year

Meet the Delisle Family

"This house has seen me at my absolute worst but has also seen me at monumental milestones in our lives. The staff have also experienced me for all the in-betweens. Some days in the house passing by staff I would hear "Did you eat today? Go pack a quick lunch from the pantry before you leave." Or "We saved you a plate from supper in your bin." There are no words to accurately describe the Ronald McDonald House and how grateful I am for what it has done and continues to do for me and my family. Knowing we have a safe place to return to for medical adventures takes stress off me and gives the kids a perfect distraction when they are facing their medical turmoil."

- Jocelyn Theoret, sharing the impact of the care at RMHC-SK

Meet the Dalziel Family

“When we first received Alex's diagnosis, saying I felt devastated is an understatement. I felt heart broken and shocked, finding out he was so ill when I had a lot of hope he'd be as healthy as my older son, who was born 5 weeks earlier in gestation than Alex. We knew his best care would come from doctoring in Saskatoon, but we were nervous about the costs that would be involved being so far away from home while staying as close to Alex as possible. RMHC was something I'd heard about in passing from another local family, never really realizing how important and necessary it is until I needed it myself.

- Jillian Dalziel, on RMHC's significance in her family's journey.

Meet the Brittain Family

“Words can hardly express the "True" meaning of the Ronald McDonald house. The friendly Staff and volunteers that greet you. Having a home environment in place of a hotel room is comforting. My son's and I have met a few families and became friends, we have kept contact as well. Being able to share/talk with staff and family members who are staying at the house. This helps when you feel the heaviness of your child sickness or difficult surgeries which comes with a lot of worry and stress.”

- Trudi Mercredi, sharing the comfort of connecting with fellow families and staff at RMHC-SK.

Meet the Delisle Family

"This house has seen me at my absolute worst but has also seen me at monumental milestones in our lives. The staff have also experienced me for all the in-betweens. Some days in the house passing by staff I would hear "Did you eat today? Go pack a quick lunch from the pantry before you leave." Or "We saved you a plate from supper in your bin." There are no words to accurately describe the Ronald McDonald House and how grateful I am for what it has done and continues to do for me and my family. Knowing we have a safe place to return to for medical adventures takes stress off me and gives the kids a perfect distraction when they are facing their medical turmoil."

- Jocelyn Theoret, sharing the impact of the care at RMHC-SK

Meet the Brittain Family

"Words can hardly express the “True” meaning of the Ronald McDonald house. The friendly Staff and volunteers that greet you. Having a home environment in place of a hotel room is comforting. My son’s and I have met a few families and became friends, we have kept contact as well."

- Trudi Mercredi, sharing the comfort of connecting with fellow families and staff at RMHC-SK.

Meet the Dalziel Family

"RMH definitely felt like a breath of fresh air at the end of a long day in the hospital, a home away from home in the midst of dealing with some of the toughest things we’ve ever had to deal with. Being able to unwind, wash up and lay our heads down in a real bed made a world of difference after the commotion of the hospital."

- Jillian Dalziel, on RMHC's significance in her family's  journey.

We still have miles to go for care that’s miles above...

Saskatoon House
PA Family Room
PA and Regina Houses Coming Soon
Communities Served by RMHC-SK

Take a look inside the house...

Our Campaign Sponsors


  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name
  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name
  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name
  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name
  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name
  • Business Name
  • Other Business Name

Our Committee Members

Ken & Jan Malenfant

Co-Chairs - Prince Albert

Isla Wilcox

Co-Chair - Prince Albert

E. Craig Lothian

Co-Chair - Regina

Pamela Lothian

Co-Chair - Regina


  • Prince Albert
  • Jan Malenfant: Co-Chair
  • Ken Malenfant: Co-Chair
  • Isla Wilcox: Co-Chair
  • Richard Ahenakew
  • Aaron Burns
  • Kelly Disiewich
  • Marlene Goldberg
  • Mitch Holash
  • Malcolm Jenkins
  • Tim Keller
  • Fred Matheson
  • Emilie (Matheson) Wells
  • Noelle (Broda) Price
  • Farica Prince
  • Tori Ripley
  • Mark Ripley
  • Jim Scarrow
  • Elder Liz Sette
  • Ivan Trudel
  • Shianne Trudel
  • Brett Wells
  • Regina
  • Craig Lothian: Co-Chair
  • Pamela Lothian: Co-Chair
  • Todd Dixon
  • Ben Findlay
  • Michelle Findlay
  • Ian Goeres
  • Tyson Liske
  • Paul McLellan
  • Debbie McLellan
  • Tricia Slobodian
  • Jon Stricker
  • Saskatoon
  • Kaytlyn Barber
  • Jim Flath
  • Ken Howland
  • Kaylynn Schroeder
  • Brittany Walter
  • Wayne Wilson

Children who have families that are supported and have their anxiety addressed have better outcomes and return home sooner.

- carrie dornstauder,
RMHC – SK Board Member

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